Realistic foil packaging PSD mock-up #2

Photo realistic pouch foil packaging with PSD mock-up – blank stand up bag packaging. Ready for design and artwork.


This is basically the foil bag PSD file we have been looking for ourselves. This enables us (and now you) to create realistic wine mock-ups in seconds. Get this mock-up and never waste your time finding another again.

A great way for any creative person to show off their work. In this Adobe Photoshop file you can create your own fully customizable packaging project where you can display your own brand.

You can easily put your branding or logo on these mock-ups with smart objects.
With smart-object included you can edit the layers of the graphic canvas or remove them completely and place your own graphics inside, without worrying about perspective, lights & shadows, reflections etc. The smart-object in the main file updates itself with any changes you make to it.

All objects are separate layer groups with plenty of layers for more control.

★ Main Features ★
✔ Smart object – Easily add your own logo and information
✔ Easy colors – Easily change colors of packaging to any colors you want
✔ Highly realistic textures on labels
✔ High quality PSD file
✔ Realistic even with close up
✔ High resolution, plenty of possibilities for cropping or scaling down.
✔ Clean and simple feel
✔ All in layers (product, branding, highlights, shadows, color overlays and reflections)
✔ Easily change colors
✔ All highlights and shadows in different layers, easily move them around

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    Before you play this iconic game, you’re going to have to split up into teams. (Pro tip: keep it to two teams for minimal stress.) Assign one person on each team to be the *artiste*, mediocre Van Gogh-type art skills are a plus. Oh, and use this random Pictionary word generator to round up ideas, so you don’t have to do the extra work. Here are some virtual game night ideas on which virtual games you can play over video chat with fun zoom games. These games to play on zoom are in no necessary order, so feel free to choose the ones that you think will be best for your virtual game night group! We are sure that you will have fun with any or all of these virtual board games to play on zoom. This may not be the ~best~ option to play with family, but if you and your friends haven’t seen each other in a while and want to catch up on all the raunchy things you’ve done, this is the game for you. Each player will answer nine naughty True/False questions, and for each question, each player will try to guess the number of people in the group that answered “True.” The person who guesses the number closest to the actual number of truths (or who guesses the exact number) wins the round. It’s sort of like Never Have I Ever, but with more numbers involved— play at your own risk.

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