Tin Powder Mockup – Glossy Cover
Tin Powder Mockup – Glossy Cover
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Archive contains
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Opinion polling in British Columbia has shown that the province had greater support for cannabis legalization than any other Canadian province. A 2012 Angus Reid Public Opinion poll found that 61 percent of British Columbians supported the legalization of Cannabis, compared to 53 percent in the rest of Canada. BC’s abundance of sunshine and rainfall makes it a fantastic place to grow marijuana. Admittedly, the climate varies significantly across the province. However, in the most populated areas, the annual mean temperature is 54 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the mildest in Canada. Also, the average yearly rainfall is 47 inches. Overall, BC has several hot summer days and a relatively mild fall season. BC’s abundance of sunshine and rainfall makes it a fantastic place to grow marijuana. Admittedly, the climate varies significantly across the province. However, in the most populated areas, the annual mean temperature is 54 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the mildest in Canada. Also, the average yearly rainfall is 47 inches. Overall, BC has several hot summer days and a relatively mild fall season. https://kit3.center/forum/profile/ernastapleton02/ Researchers believe psilocybin has the potential to help curb addiction to nicotine, alcohol, cocaine, and perhaps opioids. One small study (of just nine participants) on nicotine addiction found that 80% of participants who underwent psilocybin therapy quit smoking, and 60% of them were still abstinent 16 months later, impressive compared to the 35% or less success rate of other therapies. Before being touted as a cure for cigarette smoking however larger studies would need to be conducted. In addition to treating addiction, psilocybin has also shown impressive results in treating depression and death anxiety. This mushroom got its name from the Zapotec Indigenous community of Oaxaca, Mexico, which translates roughly to “crown of thorns mushrooms.” It is also often called bado, badao, and badao zoo meaning “drunken mushroom.” Psilocybe zapotecorum can also be found in Colombia, Peru, Chile, Venezuela, Argentina, and Brazil.
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Release date: | 2020-02-27 |
Last updated: | 2020-02-27 |
Product type: | Adobe Photoshop File |
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Requirements: | Adobe Photoshop |
Price: | $9.00 USD |
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